This episode is all about our furry (and non-furry) friends! Dori Frame is here to talk about communicating with our pets. She shares her own powerful experience communicating with her dog, Reykjavik, who has now transitioned into the spiritual. Dori walks us through her life with Reykjavik; adopting him, training him, and opening her heart to hearing him. You guys need to hear her story (it left me in tears!) Dori reminds us to ELEVATE by rethinking how we react to loved ones transitioning into the spiritual.
Dori also has some exciting news! She shares details on a transformational retreat she plans on hosting in November. Stay posted by connecting with her website and Instagram.
Dori has spent 20+ years coaching, lecturing, and badgering people on the topics of nutrition and fitness, time management, stress management, flow and play, sleep and renewal. She's taught in college, corporate and private settings. She's been an entrepreneur her whole life, had her own business with several employees, and worked solo, as she does now.
While she has degrees in Psychology, Exercise Physiology and an M.B.A. and was trained by the Martha Beck Institute as a life coach, the total hours Dori spent studying all four programs do not come close to the number of hours she has poured into her own consciousness and spiritual development studies. She is still not done, but having way more fun!
Of all her spiritual teachers, her dog was the most important one.
Dori offers guidance to clients through One-on-one coaching sessions focused on Intuitive Listening, Conscious Questioning, and helping her clients develop a relationship with their inner voice, so they can learn to confidently direct their own lives.
Dori is on a never-ending quest to understand how she can be better at this Human thing as she cultivates the conscious creation of her life.